In today’s post, I’d like to share how to make the most of coaching opportunities you may have at any stage of your medical career, whether you’re applying to medical school, a medical student juggling exams and placements, or a junior doctor just starting out or well on your way in training and beyond!
There will be challenges along the way, and a coaching relationship can provide you with a space to think to the end of your thoughts. This is very important because as the person on your unique journey with its own unique challenges, you are best equipped to come up with a solution that is personalised to you.
I’ll then wrap up this blog article with some pointers on how to prepare for your first coaching session!
Pre-med students
Applying to medical school can be a difficult experience. You may be juggling approaching A-Level examinations with the application process, which includes writing personal statements, taking the UCAT and BMAT, preparing for interviews, and determining which medical schools to apply to! It’s an intense journey with a lot of decision making in a small amount of time.
In this frenzy of activity, having a space with a coach who can help you think through all of your options and clarify your priorities may be really beneficial in optimizing your performance and assisting you in making decisions that are right for you.
Medical Students
University may be a pretty hectic time. From the first week, you may find yourself continually overwhelmed with lectures, seminars, group projects, and exams!
Pre-clinical and clinical educational challenges differ, and beginning clinical placements can be both thrilling and intimidating. Coaching can help you traverse the many stages of medical school by improving confidence and developing time management and organizational abilities. It can also help you map out your career goals and establish a plan to get there early on in your career by allowing you the room to explore your priorities and values!
Foundation training and beyond!
Jumping into clinical practice after years of education is a wonderful moment, but it can also be intimidating! You may also find yourself at a loss after reaching this milestone that you have worked so hard to achieve!
Throughout your training as a doctor and beyond, coaching can be beneficial in creating a safe environment with a coach who has no prejudices to help you overcome any issues you may be encountering, such as imposter syndrome, which is prevalent early in your career. Coaching can also be highly beneficial in accelerating your personal growth as you analyze your working relationships and learn from your interactions with the larger team with whom you work in your placements!
How to make the most of a coaching session.
At this point you may be feeling ready or may already have booked your first coaching session!
Here are some top tips for preparing for your first coaching session:
- Think about what you want to get out of the session. What are your goals? What are you hoping to achieve? Write down a few points about what is going on in your life right now, and what is most important to you.
- Be open-minded. Coaching is a collaborative process, and your coach will be there to support you and help you explore your options. Be willing to go where the conversation takes you, even if it’s not what you expected. You may find your coach using tools such as drawing or even talking to your past or future self! Keep curious and roll with it!
- Take some time to reflect and journal after the coaching session. After chatting with your coach, you may discover that you require some time to write down and dwell on the issues you have discussed, and you may even leave with more questions to help you progress in your path. Making time to explore your own thoughts and feelings can be quite beneficial in helping you integrate your new ideas from your coaching session moving forward.
- Be patient. Change takes time, and you’re on your way to being your best self. Take some time to be patient with yourself and congratulate yourself on accepting this opportunity to help you explore your creative and strong ideas.
I hope these tips are helpful in getting you started on your coaching journey! Leave us a comment to let us know what you think!