Muhaya Water Project

• Muhaya, Kenya • 2021 • In Partnership with The Water Project •

The Issue

Globally 1 in 9 people have no access to clean water. This increases the rates of water-borne diseases, absence from school and hunger. Improving access to water, sanitation and hygiene is vital to eradicating poverty. The previous water source was a small plastic raintank that soon became empty. Students have been forced to carry water from home, impacting their school attendance and consumption leads to high rates of water-borne diseases.

When the Friends School for the Deaf Givavei’s open, hand-dug well ran dry, it would send the 135 students out walking along a busy road. And even when there was water at the well, it wasn’t exactly ideal…

“Our well has no hand pump, forcing us to collect water by use of a rope tied to a container” … “The process of accessing water is risky, hectic, and time-consuming. One can easily get injured in the process.”

Joyce Ndiga
Head Teacher

The Project

We have funded the building of a 75,000 litre rainwater tank, 6 ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrines, handwashing stations and training session on hygiene, sanitation and COVID-19 at Muhaya secondary school in western Kenya, which caters for 182 students and 15 members of staff. Construction was by local workers.

The Outcome

Formal impact evaluation at 1 year by The Water Project has shown that the project has improved lives for students. It has made clean water accessible, convenient and easy to store. Whilst students were previously required to spend their breaks collecting water for school, they are now able to focus on their school work and hobbies.

“We all need clean safe water to live a healthy life. With the availability of clean safe water; I will be able to wear clean clothes every day, bathe at least twice a day, and have reliable water for drinking.”



“Now, I’m so excited that all it takes is for me to run to the tank, open the tap and fetch my water for anything I want it for.”


Muhaya Secondary School

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