Steth of Hope
• Nakuru, Kenya; Lusaka, Zambia; Kampala, Uganda •
• 2021 & 2023 •
• In Partnership with Glia •
The Issue
Some medical students in these regions cannot afford a stethoscope, yet, due to poor infrastructure for radiological investigative capacity in most health facilities, each doctor and trainee doctor requires a personal stethoscope in order to effectively practise medicine. The advance of medical technology, though welcome, has done little to weaken or override the place of the stethoscope in effective clinical practice.
“Between 40 and 50% of students cannot afford a stethoscope … these are vital to enable them to develop their clinical skills and grow as clinicians.”

The Project
We donated 200 stethoscopes to students at Egerton University, Kenya, and University of Zambia. Students towards the end of their degree and with financial challenges were prioritised. The stethoscopes are manufactured by Glia, who use open source 3D printing to create a product that has been independently verified to be as effective as the popular Littman stethoscope!
In 2023 this campaign this project successfully ran for a second time with 53 stethoscopes being shipped to Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda.

The Outcome
The stethoscopes were received by incredibly grateful students who are eager to put them to use to develop their clinical examination skills. In June 2023 we visited the students who were using these for their student-led mock practical exams!
We will share photos and outcomes of the 2023 distribution once we receive them!
“At first I was quite skeptical because they’re not like anything I’ve ever seen, but now I use the stethoscope regularly and they pick up all the clinical sounds I expect!”

Want to Learn More?
Please follow either of the links below for more information about the project and what we did!
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